- ACP 30-2K QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AS01, AR01 & AQ04 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AQ02 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AQ01, AP04, AP03, AP02, AP01 & AN05 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AQ03, AN04, AN03, AN02, AN01, AM02, AM01, AL01, AK04, AK03 & AK02 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A (Euroflow) Lot EAQ01, EAP02, EAP01, EAM02 & EAM01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A (Euroflow) Lot EAK01, EAG01, EAE01 & EAF01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AK01, AJ01, AH02, AH01, AF02, AF01, AD04 & AE01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AG01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AA01, AA02, AA03, AA04, AB01, AB02, AC01 & GAA01-R QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot AC02, AC03 & AD01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5A Lot Z02 and Z03 QC Template
- RCP-30-5 Lot AQ01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5 Lot AA01, AB01, AB02, AC01 & AD01 QC Template
- RCP-30-5 Lot AP07, AP06, AP05, AP04, AP03, AP02, AP01, AM02, AM01, AL01, AH01, AG01, AF01 & AD03 QC Template
- RCP-60-5 QC Template
- URCP 38-2K QC Template Lot AS01, AQ01, AP03, AP02, AP01 & AN02
- URCP 38-2K Lot AN01, AM01, AL02, AL01, AK03, AK02, AK01, AJ02 & AJ03 QC Template with BV and UV Channels
- URCP 50-2K Lot AR01, AN01, AM01 & AJ01 QC Template
- URCP 50-2K QC Template
- URQP-38-6K for 10^5 Log Scale QC Template Rev A
- URQP-38-6K for 10^7 Log Scale QC Template Rev A
For additional information on PMT QC Templates reference Sphero Technical Notes:
For information on how to design flow cytometry bead based assays to characterize, calibrate, and produce high quality and reproducible results using the Ultra Rainbow Calibration Beads and De Novo FCS Express:
Contact service@spherotech.com or support@denovosoftware.com with any questions regarding or to create your own template using FCS Express |